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Never forget these 6 important guidelines in Life!

1.Mind Your thought When You alone.

It sounds simple enough: Sit quietly, with nothing to do, and relax. All you have to do is kick up your feet and stare at the ceiling. Nothing in particular to do or think about? Bliss!

Well, maybe. Too often, the experience of being left alone with our own thoughts turns out to be anything but relaxing. In fact, it can be downright anxiety producing.Distracting ideas, worries and feelings can come racing through our heads like kittens chasing a ball of string. (For more on the mind’s tendency to race, see “Monkey Mind”.) An anxious projection about the future may take up residence in our imagination and refuse to leave, robbing us of the relaxation we were seeking. We feel fidgety and eager to get up and do something to drive the thoughts away.

Learning how to handle these frenetic trains of thought can make sitting with ourselves easier and more comfortable. It can also teach us that negative thoughts are just that — thoughts, not realities that we have to run from, fight or respond to.

2.Mind Your Tongue When You With Your Friends.

Great minds think alike,but dirty minds work towards,balancing your tongue can make your reputation in friends group,words can cut sharply as any blade.be careful with your words ,when they are said,they can be forgiven but never forgotten.the tongue has a no bones,but it has a power to break heart,mind your words.anger is the condition where the tongue works faster than your mind.so hold it,before regrets words you say.
   speak the truth,speak the justice,speak straight,speak kindly,speak politly,speak gently.
Mind your tongue.

3.when you are angry,mind your temper

We all get angry sometimes, but if you’re prone to rage bursts that rival The Hulk, it can really damage your relationships and even ruin your career. Here are some tips for keeping your cool when your temper feels like a short fuse burning.

Before you do anything else, try to hit the brakes as fast as you can. While it may seem obvious, taking a moment to yourself before you react is one of the most effective ways to keep that temper under control. What can differ, however, is what you do after you hit the brakes. There’s no silver bullet that works for everyone, but you can start with some of the classics

Count to ten: In your head or out loud, so you can cool down and see where you’re at afterward.

Think about the situation: Ask yourself a question to help you assess the situation. Is it something you can control? Did you misunderstand the thing that’s fueling your fire? Know where you’re going before you move forward.

Take a time out: Excuse yourself and step away from the situation. You’re a pot of boiling water, so remove yourself from the heat source before you boil over.

Take a couple of deep breaths: Slow your heart rate and send oxygen to your brain. Psychologist Carlos Coto at Pick the Brain suggests the 4x4 breathing technique where you breath in for four seconds, hold the breath for four seconds, and exhale the breath slowly for four seconds. Repeat until you feel calm enough to react.

4.Mind Your Behavior,when you with a group.

your beliefs don't make you a better person,your behaviour does.when following your group or in with your callings,you have to set your behaviour a positive beacause,your thoughts becomes your words.keep your words positive because your words becomes your behavior
if your behaviour positive it becomes yours habits.

Human Behavior flows from three main soources:Desire,Emotion and knowlwdge.Times Decides who you meet in life,Heart decides who you want in your Life,and your behavior decides who stays in life.we don't manage peoples we manage behaviors.

5.when you in trouble,mind your emtions.

In Zen, they explain this weird phenomenon by referring the two minds — the thinking mind and the observing mind. This is a common concept in Buddhism and contemporary western therapies like Acceptance-Commitment Therapy, or ACT for short, are beginning to catch on to how helpful it can be to solve a lot of our day to day emotional problems.
You see, the problem with the thinking mind is that we don’t have complete control over it. A very quick thought experiment can prove this point:
For the next ten seconds, DO NOT THINK OF A WHITE BEAR.
If you’re like most people, that bear will be haunting you like crazy, especially if you try hard to suppress it (1).
Most people deal with their emotional problems by resisting, repressing and ignoring them. In these times of constant distraction, there is no shortage of other things you can turn your attention to when your mind is feeling uneasy.
One recent study showed that most people would rather receive a small electric shock than be alone with their thoughts (2). I suggest we take a more healthy approach to deal with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.
6.when god starts blessing you mind your ego.

The Bible teaches us that we are blessed not just so that we can feel good, not just so we can be happy and comfortable, but so that we will bless others. God told Abraham in Genesis 12:2, “I will bless you ... and you will be a blessing” (NIV). This is the first law of blessing: It must flow outwardly.
How do you bless others? By serving a need, whether it is physical or emotional support, financial help, or practical advice. "Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand" (Philippians 1:4 MSG).

God promises that if we will concentrate on blessing others, he’ll take care of our needs. There’s almost nothing that God won’t do for the person who really wants to help other people. In fact, God guarantees this blessing. In Luke 18, Jesus says, “I guarantee this. Anyone who gives up anything for the kingdom of God will certainly receive many times more in this life and will receive eternal life in the next world to come.”
When you care about helping other people, God assumes responsibility for your problems. And that’s a real blessing, for he’s much better at handling your difficulties than you are.
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Labels: Motivational & Inspirational

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